Chemist of the Class
While interiorising innovative and creative solutions tailored to the specific needs of our customers as the basic principle of flexible production concept with our own know-how licenses and created technologies, Chemical Tanker Semi Trailer that can be filled up from the top and bottom, carry chemical substances in accordance with ADR Class 3-6-8 appropriate to the related tank code and its hierarchy in the single or till five compartments, discharged by gravity or pump-driven, can be made of stainless steel material, with the thicknesses conforms to design calculations, in cylindrical cross section and large volume range according to ADR-EN 14025 regulations, the climate and road conditions of the geographical region it serves; while being ’’Chemist of the Class’’ that reforms the standards of quality, hygiene and safety in the sector, challenges both the roads and years with its technologies and unique body structure while being produced by the longest welding seam technology with minimum number of (T) joints and one-piece plates in the main body structure.

21.000 ~ 46.000 Lt.
Volume Range

1 ~5
Number of Compartments

-20 ~ +50 °C
Design Temperature

1,5 ~4 Bar
Design Pressure

L1,5BN / L4BH
Tank Code

Innovative Approach
Add innovations to your business by providing solutions that meet current regulations and requirements for filling, transport and discharge operations of chemical substances.
Modular Options
Options of special designed alternative volume, number of compartments, discharge systems and equipment; sort out your job.
Chemistry: Different
While protecting the inner surface with special passivation method, make its chemistry different.
Performance Needs Source
Durable body structure together with superior production technology and premium equipment turns the long lifetime into profit.OUTSTANDING FEATURES

Provides ease of use, safety and automatically locks the brake system

Protect armatures against possible rollover and impact

Provides full discharge of the product at the bottom of the tank

Provides mobility and ergonomic handling even in the narrow area

Ergonomic handling with optimized hydromotor, piping and technical equipment provides fast and high flow rate discharge

Provides full and secure supervision by national and international up-to-date legislative compliance and expert team
The least number of (T) joints provide high strength and long life

Increases body strength at chassis joints, reduces tension effect, provides unity of body

Safe, smooth surface and unique body structure

Minimizes welding faults on the body due to tension and human factors and secures against impact

Provides surface gloss in varnish quality

Provides complete discharge without any liquid remaining in the tank body

Covers national and International up-to-date regulatory compliance and 98/91/EC chassis ADR type approval regulation

Prevents complexity on installation cables, provides serviceability